21.11.2006 updated
Egidijus Rudinskas has this confirmed:
The date of exhibition -February 2007. PRINT GALLERY (GRAFIKOS GALERIJA)
Zamenhofo/Kurpiu 13-2 Kaunas LT-44287 Lithuania
36th Annual SGC (Southern Graphics Council) conference: Points, Plots and Ploys
Kansas City Art Institute, Kansas City, MO
March 21 - 25, 2007
Here are the details for our 90 minute session.
Title; "The Concepts of Further from the Book 'Printmaking at the Edge'"
Session Chair: Scott Betz
Presenters/Panelists (in alphabetical order):
Redas Dirzys LITHUANIA (Issues chapter)
Philip Garrett UK (The Public Eye chapter)
Chang-Soo Kim KOREA (Digital Cities chapter)
Michael Schneider AUSTRIA (Travellers chapter
Daryl Vocat CANADA (Issues chapter)
Barbara Zeigler CANADA (Issues chapter)
Artists keep working to find more opportunities to expand this project.
Each of them will be shown above as soon as it is confirmed.